
Hair loss can be a big challenge for both men and women as we age, after traumatic events, or even after COVID.  There are many surgical and non-surgical treatments to combat hair loss.  At Soleil Medical and Surgery, Dr. Max Padilla has advanced training in hair transplant surgery and PRP injections and has been treating hair loss for years. 

PRP Hair Therapy

At this time, the primary hair therapy available at Soleil Medical and Surgery is the injection of PRP (platelet-rich plasma) into the scalp.  Scientists have discovered that administering platelet-rich plasma to the scalp can reactivate the dormant hair follicles, restoring hair growth and improving hair quality.  Just as PRP has been successful in treating arthritis by reversing the degenerative changes in joints, this technology has shown excellent results in restoring and preserving hair growth.

This in-office treatment entails a simple blood draw from which the PRP can be isolated and concentrated through a specialized process. Once concentrated the PRP is strategically reinjected into the scalp. Results are visible within weeks and can be maintained and improved with repeat injections.  The procedure takes about 30 minutes and there is little downtime.  

Dr. Padilla at Soleil Medical and Surgery has the latest PRP stem cell technology and is available for consultation to see if you are a good candidate for this procedure. The initial consultation for the procedure can be done in person or over FaceTime or Zoom so that when you arrive for the first appointment the procedure is done that day.

Dr. Maximilian Padilla in a navy blue suit with a blue and gold tie. He is in his mid thirties, has a bright smile, kind eyes, and he is bald.

Dr. Maximilian Padilla, M.D.

Maximilian R. Padilla, MD, or as his patients call him “Dr. Max”, is the founder of Soleil Medical and Surgery. 

The Soleil Way

See what Dr. Padilla and Soleil Medical and services can do for you. Click below to view our services. 

Woman with bright, youthful, face
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